Get your estimate in seconds.

Same-day coverage and 1-year free Headspace or Aaptiv membership.*

Used for estimate only.
Why Ethos?
no medical exams
No medical exams
Our 100% online process means all you have to do is answer a few health questions instead of setting up medical exams and blood tests.
Same-day coverage
Same-day coverage
Because of our expedited process, most customers enjoy same-day coverage.
wellness packages
Free wellness perks
Most policies include free access to a Headspace or Aaptiv membership to help you live a healthy life.*
Affordable policies
Affordable policies
You can tailor your policy to fit your budgets and your needs because we believe that life insurance isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for your family.
Simple, fast, and affordable.

With Ethos, you can get a flexible policy that fits your family's needs at price you can afford.*

  • No medical exams—answer a few health questions, 100% online
  • Same-day coverage available
  • Policies backed by top-rated insurance carriers
  • Access to one free benefit like SHRED, Aaptiv, and Headspace
Three phones
Backed by giants

Our polices are issued by the same brand-name carriers you know and love.

Our carriers
More than life insurance.
Most of our policies include exclusive perks designed to generate happier, healthier lives.