Why do some Life Insurers Require a Medical Exam?

Much like other types of insurance, life insurance is designed and built around risk assessment. Of course, talking about risks to your property is very different from considering risks to your life. The personal nature of your own health is one reason many people may be uncomfortable with life insurance medical exams. Yet the information gained in these exams aids the insurance provider in determining how much coverage and what rates the applicant might qualify for.
From family medical histories to high blood pressure and risky hobbies, life insurance providers want information on as many relevant variables as they can get when assessing risk. For the insurance underwriters to accurately determine fair rates and coverage, they perform risk assessments using the type of data gained during the life insurance exam. Ethos Life gathers this information via questions on the application.
What medical tests are required for life insurance?
Life insurance medical exams are designed to identify meaningful information in a small amount of time. While numerous tests are often involved, these exams usually take about an hour. During the exam, you will be asked questions about your family medical history, your personal medical history, and lifestyle. These questions can help identify pre-existing conditions and areas of medical risk that are difficult to find with generic tests.
The examiner will measure your height, weight, pulse, and blood pressure. In many ways, the life insurance physical exam is like a routine health checkup. After this, the examiners will take a blood and urine sample.
Life insurance blood tests help to identify health complications like heightened cholesterol or unhealthy blood sugar levels. In many cases, this will complete the medical exam. While waiting for the results can take longer, the exam itself is a relatively straightforward process.
Ethos Life makes it even easier to protect your family and assets with life insurance by not requiring a medical exam during the application process.
How to pass life insurance medical exams
Preparing for a life insurance medical screening doesn’t have to be difficult, but there are some tips and tricks to help it go smoothly. While none of these pointers can guarantee a pass, each is designed to help you get the best results you can.
- Eat healthy for the week leading up to the life insurance exam. Consider eating foods like whole grains, nuts, and leafy greens while avoiding foods high in sodium, sugar, and saturated fats.
- Hydrate well for at least a week before the exam. Emphasize clean water and avoid sugary beverages.
- On the day before the exam, try to maintain a low stress level and ensure that you get a full night of sleep. Both tips can help to keep your blood pressure lower.
- Continue to hydrate well on the day of the exam and try not to feel too much pressure or stress about the appointment.
What happens if you fail a life insurance exam?
In some cases, life insurance providers may deny coverage to applicants based on information from medical exams. These tests are used to help the providers calculate health risks. In cases of extremely high risk, some insurers will not offer coverage. However, this doesn’t mean you have to give up.
Not all insurance companies use the same risk scales, and some are less likely to use medical exams in the first place. Ethos Life offers no medical exam term life policies and whole life policies to qualifying applicants.
How to get life insurance with no medical exam
To see if you qualify for no medical exam life insurance, apply online with Ethos Life. Ethos applicants for personalized coverage don’t need a medical exam. Do be aware that basic health questions are often required for term life policies, even when a life insurance medical exam is not.
Before beginning the application, it’s helpful to have some of your personal information ready. Consider gathering your social security number, driver’s license, current prescription information, and family medical history.
When it comes to life insurance, the focus should be on spending more time with your family, not less. That’s why Ethos works to help applicants find an online life insurance policy, with or without a medical exam. Traditional insurers could take weeks before an applicant is done with the process. Applying online with Ethos can save you time better spent with your loved ones.